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Presentation of my internships

Internship abroad

3 mounth at the UM, university of malaya, in Malaysia.

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Immersion in Malaysia. Immersion abroad is an internship in the cursus of the industrial managment school (EMINES). Because of this experiance, I improved my Capacities on analytic and adaptation. I was holded in the university of malaya in kuala lumpur, i helped a group of students to asheive their chimical research goal ( how can we transfert the palm oil to fuel). And i was invited to many event as the meet and greet with the ministaryof education in malaysia.



As instruction of this internship, we accompanied an engineer in his dealy work. This internship helped me learn about the tasks and the routinr of an enginer at the core of his business. It was also an opportunity to expand my network.

1 week at CMPG, Compagnie Marocaine Drop by drop and Pumping.

1 week at AITTC, Agricultural Innovation Transfer and Technology Center.         

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As instruction of this internship, we accompanied an engineer in his dealy work. This internship helped me learn about the tasks and the routinr of an enginer at the core of his business. It was also an opportunity to expand my network.

Worker Internship

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the CID company act in many field, basecely it gave advice in construction. I was holded in the Dams entity. This entity based their work on 2D geographic image specific to do the study of dams

the srategy of the company is to move to 3D design to do their stady.

I was in charge to do a first test of a Moroccan dam, associated with physical study, and the visualization of the behavior of the dam in the face of a stress.

geological internship

1 week at Oulmes company.

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Through this internship, i learned the basic and the fondamontal of geological science. It was annimated in the region of Oulmes. We visited the miniral water factory, Oulmes.

1 mounth at CID company, Consulting, Engineering and Development.


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